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My glass desk and Nana’s bear have been with me from broke to – hopefully – bestseller! 🙂
Writing and releasing a book is one of the most rewarding things I’ll ever do… but it isn’t always easy.
There are 1 million details to wrap up, and the book will never be ‘good enough’ in our own eyes. Especially for those that are recovering perfectionists.
But here are some behind the scenes pictures and videos from the process…
The beautiful thing is that the early writing process is fun. You can do it from anywhere, any time you’d like. As I traveled around the U.S. and Asia over the last few months, I wrote the book wherever I could: on top of buildings, on boats, on the beach, on the Navy Pier, NYC, Chicago, etc. Any time you can escape the desk and be outdoors, you can lose track of time and let the words flow…
The not-so-fun part is the editing process.
Much like any worthwhile endeavor, there are some ups and downs that can’t be avoided. This is a great chart from @anxietyissue:
Doubt, fear, fatigue, carpal tunnel (lol), they all set in at some point. The way you get through it is the same with anything: a stronger vision than the challenges can break, and a badass team. My launch team, friends and network have helped prepare me for anything. I cannot tell you how grateful I am for all of the support.

Making videos in my favorite entrepreneurship attire: dress shirt, gym shorts, loafers. 🙂
Book Launch:
The launch is part fun with lots of hustle mixed in!
The formula for a bestseller is: strategy + hustle + marketing + network + more hustle + more marketing.
Creating videos, launching courses, marketing, interviews… It’s a final sprint to launch day!
Behind the Scenes of the last YoPro Wealth podcast:
10 Reasons Why You Need to Read Make Money, Live Wealthy
Some things will work, and some things won’t. Here is one of the best and worst $5 I ever spent. I think it is hilarious. It is so bad, it is hilarious.
How do you not want to buy a copy of the book after that? Haha. It’s ridiculous what $5 can buy you.

The pressure is on. The Cristal doesn’t get popped unless we hit bestseller! I need your support! 🙂
Be sure to get your copy HERE!
Cheers to an epic launch. Bottle of Cristal courtesy of my brotha-from-anotha-motha.
Check it out at MakeMoneyLiveWealthy.com.
Take Control. Make Money. Live Wealthy.