The listeners of YoPro Wealth are ambitious, motivated and intelligent.
I’ve talked to many of them via email/Skype/phone, and have been impressed every single time. I was answering some questions for one listener, and he showed me one of his websites. I loved his mindset and the messages that he was sharing, so I asked him to write a killer post for YoPro Wealth.
He did, and he killed it. Enter, Tim Presecky:
“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” –Napoleon Hill
Our perceptions of limitations are often self-imposed.
Cultural, familial, and educational influences form our expectations. As a society, we tend to accept the expectations and complete a self-fulfilling prophecy, either positively or negatively.
What are your goals? What determines the limit of that goal? Why not got one step further? Make it a ‘crazy’ goal.
Why not? People who ask this question are often classified as ‘the crazy ones’. Apple’s ‘Think Different’ campaign profiled some of the world’s most influential change agents by stating “the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do”.
What defines ‘crazy’? The concept of ‘crazy’ has evolved over the past century. The following concepts would have been considered ‘crazy’ when they first emerged: light bulbs, airplanes, automobiles, computers, the Internet, and smart phones. Yet, somehow, these concepts don’t seem so ‘crazy’. Why? Because they’re tangible. We know they exist because we can see, touch, and hear them.
What turns something from ‘crazy’ to reality? The ability to conceive ideas that exceed current limits and possess the belief that something different can happen.
To believe is “to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so.”
If conceiving our abilities and goals sets the mark and establishes a distance from where we are to where we want to go, then belief is the vehicle that provides the transportation.
To know that you have the seeds of success growing inside is often all it takes to push forward. You have to have the conviction that you’re plotting the points, day after day, with the hope that you’ll connect them and not only achieve, but exceed your goals.
It is belief that will get you through what Seth Godin refers to as “the dip”: a period after we embark on a new venture, when the novelty wears off and we’re faced with the harsh reality of the challenges before us. Without conviction and the drive to see your journey through to the end, you will most likely abandon your goal.
Until Roger Bannister broke the 4-minute mile barrier, nobody believed it could be done. Belief in yourself not only aids in personal achievement, but has the ability to empower those around you. The ‘4 minute mile’ is now the ‘standard’ in middle distance running.
How we define achievement is how we perceive progress.
Instead of achievement being the attainment of an end goal, why not make it the completion of incremental steps? Our conceptions and belief about success are not fixed. They have the ability to grow as the momentum of our achievements begin to build. Save a dollar today, open a savings account next week, open an IRA next month, contribute the maximum amount next year, invest in real estate in two years, etc. As you achieve smaller goals, your personal expectations will grow and you’ll continue to push yourself toward new goals; continually adapting to your environment while maintaining the belief in your abilities.
What would happen if you gave it that extra hour, extra rep, extra burst, extra push, or extra step? Suddenly, extra becomes accomplished and the next time you go for ‘extra’ you’re pushing harder, reaching further, running faster, and accomplishing more than you ever thought possible. Have the ability to conceive goals that exceed your current expectations, believe in your abilities by compounding small victories into successful momentum, and achieve greatness by doing something a little bit ‘crazy’.
Turn the impossible into the expected.
… And then turn the expected into the occurred.
I told you they were bright! Such great insight here from Tim.
My favorite comment is about the self-fulfilling prophecy. Those that believe, achieve. Those that don’t, don’t. It is that simple.
You see, we create our own future. Whether we realize it or not, what we conceive in our head, we become. Your mind manifests what it creates. It sounds hokey or corny, but it is real! I’m living proof.
I believed I would make six figures by the age of 25. I achieved it well in advance.
I believed that I would retire at 27. I achieved it.
And I know my next major milestones and when I’ll achieve them as well. Just because I know the power of being able to Conceive | Believe | Achieve.
Tim Presecky:
Tim is the founder of both, a site dedicated to personal and professional development, and which combines two of his major interests. He is headed towards massive success due to his mindset and passion for development. Check out his websites!
Path Forward:
- Create a ‘crazy’ goal.
- Fixate your mind (conceive) on what you want, and on this ‘crazy’ goal. Believe in it, and go after it. You can seriously achieve whatever you put your mind to.
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