Ever wonder what differentiates the rich & the poor?
Well, today I’m going to show you…
This is your opportunity to change your life. We have created an awesome free program that I can’t wait to share at the end of this post, but first, let me tell you why I know this program is life-changing…
Back in 2010, I was moved to Jacksonville, Florida from the corporate office to get some experience in “the real world” (as in sales). It was a challenging and scary world that would be drastically different than the nice comfy offices. It was time to put me to the test…
I am an engineer so I have always been confident with numbers, but being good with people was WAY outside of my comfort zone.
Regardless, I was eager to get going. I was ready to prove that even though I was an introvert and 24 years old, I was going to be the best salesman in the country.
I got to Jacksonville, quickly unpacked and was ready to get started. Yet, my boss had other plans. He wanted me to transition into the position, slowly building trust with the existing clients and even more slowly taking over roles.
Finally, after much begging for some work, he gave me an assignment… and it was the best first assignment that anyone could ever have:
“Go read these three books on the beach.”
What?! I thought, “I’m ready to go sell, and you’re telling me to go chill on the beach!?”
After I realized how stupid I was for not being excited about this assignment, I reversed course and did as he said. I ordered the books from Amazon, and took them to the beach as soon as I received them a couple of days later.
Instantly, I was hooked.
Little did I know at the time, this was a huge turning point in my life.
The 3 books I read had nothing to do with sales or business directly. They were far from it. Yet, these books did teach me about people, the human spirit, what truly matters, and ultimately, how powerful books can be.
Before this time, I had read a couple of books at most for pleasure. The rest were forced through school.
After this revelation, I went on to consume every book imaginable. Audiobooks, paperback, hardback, PDF, Kindle… I averaged 2 books per week for the next 12 months.
If it was about money, I read it. If it was about psychology, I snatched it up. If it was about success, business, entrepreneurship, investing, happiness, life, or anything else that was going to help me finally be what I wanted to be – rich and free – I was going to read it, and often re-read it again.
I would get so excited by the ideas and potential of this new world of unlimited possibilities that I couldn’t sleep. I would just continue to read.
The funny thing that happened shortly after diving into this new endeavor is this…
– My confidence started taking off.
– My knowledge level changed overnight.
– My perspective on life took a dramatic turn towards the positive.
– My wealth started to grow exponentially.
I had happiness, passion, and… vision.
I could finally see how to take all of this internal passion I had, and release it out into the world and ultimately turn it into money, happiness, and success.
I had learned that the most successful people I admired were really no different than you or me. They had struggles, fears, doubts, passions and excuses… but they ultimately found results. And they paved the way to show us all how to also achieve those results.
I now had something that was going to make me unstoppable: belief. I developed the mindset that was ready to help me become a multi-millionaire.
I was on my way.
Since then, I haven’t looked back. If someone saw me 5 years ago before I started reading and saw me now, they would see a totally different person.
Books absolutely changed my life, and countless millionaires I’ve talked to also say that they have changed theirs, as well.
Now, my mission is to help you change your life for the better. It is to help YOU take your wealth, life, mindset and happiness to extraordinary heights.
The podcasts, the books, the EpicLife Mastery Book Club and everything else I do… it’s all for this.
If you take your money and your mindset to the next level, everything else in life falls into place. Everything else becomes much easier.
Reading is one of the most important keys to help you master your mindset and your money.
If you’re ready for that next level, join us:
The Epic Life Mastery Book Club
(Trust us: You won’t be disappointed.)
What I do is a success if I help you get on your path towards true wealth – towards breaking free from your own internal struggles to find wealth, abundance, happiness, and of course, complete freedom.
That is success to me.
With this book club, I know we can do it. Life-changing resources, audio, training, and of course books that will change your life.
Readers lead and leaders read. It’s a fact.
Those that don’t, they fall behind.
Check out the infographic below for proof:
Do you see the power of it now? This is how to get rich. Read.
Tom Corley of RichHabits.net has some amazing research on the wealthy (and a great book Rich Habits!):
- 86% of the wealthy loved reading vs. 26% for the poor.
- 63% of the wealthy listened to audio books during their commute to work vs. 5% for the poor.
- 85% of the wealthy read two or more self-improvement books every month vs. 15% for the poor.
- The books wealthy people read disproportionately included non-fiction books such as: biographies, history, self-help, history, science, career-related books and educational books.
- 88% of the wealthy read 30 minutes or more each day vs. 2% for the poor.
- 94% of the wealthy, on a daily basis, read newspapers, newsletters, magazines, blogs and other digital media vs. 11% of the poor.
With all of that in mind, I strongly encourage you to do two things.
Whether it be on your commute to work (listening, of course), or 10 pages to start and end your day, trust me on this: Reading can – and will – change your life for the better. Commit to 10 pages and you’ll start to see the results.
Let’s get it rolling!
Take control. Make money. Live wealthy.
Also check out: Step #2: How to Get Rich