You. There is only one you. And you are unique. You may not realize it, but you have some extremely unique interests and skill-sets. You need to leverage this.
It doesn’t matter what it is. What makes you tick? What do you do daily that other people think of as “weird’? You may absolutely love peanut butter (like me!), or this one video game, or politics, or anything. Not everyone loves that thing. It seems innate that since you love, everyone else does. Since it comes easy to you, then every one else MUST know this already. But they don’t! You need to share it with them.
Find your uniqueness and how you can utilize your individual combination to serve this niche market.
For instance, I love: motivating, competing, investing, saving rather than spending, reading business books, peanut butter, being responsible, traveling the world, minimalism, etc.
And hate: tv, complainers, etc.
I guarantee there is something on this list that you don’t extremely love or hate. So I’m unique compared to you! And you’re unique compared to me! You can teach me a lot about _____.
“Be yourself; everybody else is already taken.” – Oscar Wilde
Path forward:
- Take 3 minutes and write down every single extreme passion that you have
- Review this list and find out what is “unique”; what would people say is ‘weird’?
- Leverage your unique combination of skills/passions to serve others
Wealth will be yours.