{This is part 2 of Best Careers to Make More Money. Check out part 1 here.}
So, what are the best ways to make more money?
Well, there are a few great options that numerous experts and I strongly recommend. The first is…
Be a salesperson! – Rob Wilson
1. Sales
“I’d suggest that people who truly want to build wealth go into sales. There’s a reason that you don’t see physicians, attorneys, consultants, etc. at the top of the Forbes list; they sell their time and that is only so scalable. Most wealthy people have products to sell and have other people selling the products for them.
Even if you are an employee, however, selling is the best way to build wealth. You can’t outsource salespeople.
In addition, the metrics you are judged on are very black and white. Either you hit your goal or you didn’t. If you did, you’re good, and you’ll stick around and make great commissions.” – Rob Wilson, financial advisor and host of Movers & Shakers podcast
You’ve heard many guests and I say it before, and you’ll hear it again: sales is critical to your success (whether you’re selling yourself, your ideas or a product), and it is transferrable to any industry or career.
2. Entrepreneurship
If you want to make a ton of money, where do you ultimately end up? Entrepreneurship.
“I believe the best career to make money is business ownership – entrepreneurs who turn their businesses into huge successes are often able to build massive wealth.
I think that having a legal background can also be incredibly beneficial – not in the sense of practicing law (not a fantastic way to build massive wealth), but rather for the confidence to start, run and manage a business.” – Deborah Sweeney, CEO of MyCorporation
We all want money and time freedom, and there is no better vehicle to achieve that than through some form of entrepreneurship.
“I’ve not found one single mutual firm, one single real estate investment, any gold, silver, anything, that has given me higher returns than:
1) Me, investing in myself.
2) Starting a new business.
Go start a business. Go learn a skill set, become the best you can in that space. And look at the amount of money that people are willing to charge for the value you bring to the table. There’s no other opportunity better than that to create wealth — not small wealth, but real wealth.” – Patrick Bet-David, host of Valuetainment weekly
3. Investing
Investing, in my opinion, is best started on the side so that you can start small, fail, learn and improve, and then eventually become a pro at it. It is hard to start at it full time successfully – whether it be the stock market, real estate, or anything else.
The upside of trading is unlimited earnings. – Steve Burns, author of New Trader, Rich Trader
Ultimately, however, given the unlimited potential and scalability of many investments, this is one of the best careers to make money, bar-none.
Action Item:
- The best of all may be a combination of all of the above: start a business, learn sales, make money, and then put that money to work for you through investments. The result, if done well, is a successful and lucrative career! Begin by brainstorming and learning exactly how you can do each of these well!… (as in, keep following YoPro Wealth for how to do these! :))