Regret. That’s right. It is way more expensive than any mortgage, health bill, or taxes. Combined.
We’ve been taught that things have to have a direct $ value tied to them to be “worth” something.
But you will find from successful people that wealth is so much more than money. Time, health, relationships, having no regrets – these things are priceless! Or to put it in terms we’re taught to understand, they are worth:
Get the point? Good.
It is time, personal freedom, happiness, challenge, purpose, and not having debt, baggage, or most importantly, regret. True wealth encompasses all of these things.
Sometimes it is painful, challenging to take action. You always here people say, “Oh, I wish I would have done that,” or, “I could have created that.” Could’ve, would’ve, should’ve… DIDN’T.
Don’t be that person. Never regret.
“We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret or disappointment.” – Jim Rohn
“20 years from now you’ll be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than the ones you did” – Mark Twain
Action steps:
- Do it. Don’t think about it, just do it.
- Tell someone about your plans, and don’t let them down.
Live with true wealth. Live with no regrets.