Two secrets of the wealthy that I talk about in the book are:
1. Start With Gratitude
I’ve heard and read about so many successful people that start their day with gratitude. One practice is to write down everything that you’re grateful for before you do anything else in your day. You create your future, and it should start with gratitude. Here’s a brief book excerpt:
“By focusing on the positive, you see things in a completely different light and it impacts everything else. Every time you express gratitude, you are re-wiring your brain. You release dopamine into your brain, which makes you feel good, which in turn makes you more productive.” – Matt McWilliams
This is one of the many uncommon secrets shared by numerous guests. The way to turn things around from negative to positive begins with gratitude.
“Step #1 for Turning Terrible Into Terrific (Dr. Dennis Cummins’ book) is for people to be grateful for what they’ve got, no matter what it is. Start with gratitude.
As long as you’re focusing on the problems, what’s wrong in your life, you’re going to get more of that because you’re stuck in the ‘whoa it’s me’ syndrome. There’s always a lot of blame, but when you can find gratitude for what you’ve got, it changes your mindset and your way of thinking. It’s easy to be grateful for the things in your life when everything’s going well. The challenge is to find something to be grateful for when they’re really not going well, when things are really terrible. How do you look through all the junk, all the things that are not good to find the one thing that is? If you start focusing on that, now you start to develop a more positive attitude. The first one, just find something to be grateful for.” – Dr. Dennis Cummins
2. Thank You Letters
August Turak, Matt McWilliams, and Patrick Bet-David all shared their #1 tip for success: send handwritten thank you letters to people.
“The 5 minutes to write a thank you note statistically, according to research for about the next 3 hours, you have a 31% increase in productivity or 18 minutes more productivity. You get also the added benefit of affecting their lives, which in many cases will benefit you in return.” – Matt McWilliams
Both of these things not only build relationships and create positive momentum in your own life, but they also both make you more productive. Who would have thought?
What I want to teach you is how to do exactly that, and you do it by thinking differently. This is one of those ways.
Make someone’s day and the rewards will come back to you tenfold.