Check out YoPro Wealth in iTunes here!
Have you ever hit rock bottom and realized it in the moment?
Have you from there decided that you were no longer going to accept it, that you were going to change your life and never hit that bottom again?
On December 31, 2002, as the clock was ticking down into the new year, Patrick Bet-David hit bottom. He was not excited at all about the new year.
But he made the decision, then and there, that he was going to change his life. And he did. Now, he is an author, successful entrepreneur and speaker. Patrick is the CEO and co-founder of PHP, People Helping People.
In This Podcast, You’ll Learn:
- Why the principles of success never change.
- The 3 aspects of creating wealth.
- What buckets you need to take of to prepare for now, as well as retirement.
- The pillars of doing the impossible.
- The first step towards turning a failure into a success.
- The best way to get someone’s attention and have them become your mentor!
- Why cash is still king.
- The way to NOT become wealthy.
- Why you need to build your advisory team for all aspects of your life.
- And much, much more!
Recommended Book:
Best Financial Advice Ever Received:
- “Do you ever want to become wealthy?” Yes. “No, do you really want to become wealthy? Rule #1 – never work for a sexy, established company.”
Action In Next 7 Days:
- Start to build your wealth team, and get guidance on all important areas of your life.
Contact Patrick:
- Youtube: Valuetainment
- Book: Doing the Impossible
Patrick is such a big advocate for becoming an entrepreneur, and I agree with him! The deca-millionaire he mentioned said, “Do not go work for a sexy established company.” I was one that did that, because that is what we’re taught… Go to school, get good grades, and go on to work for a great company. And I loved it!
But the true way to build wealth, financially and beyond, is not that route. You have to take control of your own destiny, and create your own dreams.
Start to dabble in interests and projects on the side while you figure out exactly which path you want to go down. Then, take the leap as I did, and chase your dreams. Wealth finds the bold, and the ones that think differently. And Patrick shares some great insight on why we all need to do this.
Action Items:
- Build your team – surround yourself with positive, like-minded people… and get coaches for the important areas of your life!
- Four areas for me are: Health, Money (finances/investing), Business/Career, Relationships
- We are starting a YoPro Wealth mastermind group in March with a number of ambitious people who are looking to take their life and wealth to the next level. Email me here ([email protected]) with ‘Mastermind’ in the subject title to get notified of the details!
- Fill up the 3 buckets!
- Short term: how much cash do you have on hand? Opportunities always come up, but you should also have a safety stash for emergency expenses.
- Medium term: what are you doing to set yourself up well for the next level of wealth? What are you doing to invest in yourself now and get your income to another level in the near future? What are your passive income streams?
- Long term: take control now, start investing in your future, and you’ll be ready to retire well before you think you can! Learn how to by signing up for Investing 101.

Thank you Austin, that was another great interview. 🙂
Any time, @alainguillot:disqus ! I’m really enjoying it and am happy to help.