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Brian Tracy, the world-renowned author, trainer and speaker created a video titled, ‘The 5 Reasons Why Most People Don’t Become Wealthy.’ Here are the highlights.
1. It never occurs to them to become wealthy
Most people do not realize what is possible. We are not led to believe that we can obtain massive wealth. I know that I had no idea what was realistic, or what was even a potential option. The general population is not exposed to the people and real stories that share how to create and build our wealth. Our educational system does not teach us what is possible, or what wealth even really is.
It takes some external source to give you that “aha” moment, when you realize that you seriously can have anything you want financially. For me, that moment was provided from reading books and more books. I was in my early 20’s when it occurred to me that I can, and should, become wealthy. Previously, I know that I had no idea what I could do, or how much money I could make. I grew up in a small town in the Midwest, and a 6 figure income early in my career wasn’t even a realistic dream… only because I didn’t know! I had not been told that this was possible, and I surely didn’t know anyone that had accomplished this. Now, I’m still learning all of the things that are possible and the possible ways to achieve my dreams. You can’t fix what you don’t know, so unless you realize you can truly be wealthy, you won’t become so.
If you are so lucky to see just how financially successful you can become, how anything is within our grasp, then it opens up the world of opportunity for you. Once you recognize this, you can take action to achieve the previously “impossible.” Read, listen to podcasts and audiobooks, and reach out to people with similar interests. Realize that you can have anything that you want if you put your mind to it. Seriously.
2. People don’t decide to be successful
The first step towards success is always to DECIDE to be successful. As I always say, financial success is a decision; it is a process. YoPro Wealth is here to help you through this process, but you have to first make the decision and commitment to obtain what you want. Once you do this, truly decide and commit, you will not let anything get in your way. Nothing can stop you. You build momentum, everything seems to begin to flow and the compound effect repeatedly takes place getting you closer and closer to your dreams. But most people cannot or do not make that decision. You can’t get to your goal without that first step, so take it. It isn’t easy, but it is worth it. Commit. Decide. And you will realize true financial success.
3. Procrastination
There is always, “I’ll do this tomorrow,” or “it isn’t the right time” or “once this happens, I’ll start to get serious about it”… You know when you hear those phrases that they’re not true. The time is never exactly right! You have to start right now. The longer you delay, the easier it becomes to delay even more. The time is now. Start before it is too late.
I am a recovering perfectionist, so my excuse used to be that it wasn’t good enough yet. I started this blog before I’m happy with everything, and I’ll start the podcast before I’m a pro. But by starting, and not procrastinating, I will make more progress and more improvements in a shorter time period, and thus, reaching my goals quicker. Don’t delay. Take control of your financial destiny starting today.
In addition, the way that I fight procrastination is by putting a deadline with every single goal or task that I have. A goal without a deadline is only a wish. Larry Stevens, CEO of the great efficiency/productivity hub Opus Workspace, told me that, “87% of millionaires have a consistency, and that consistency is that they have a to-do list with a ‘by when’ date assigned to each item.” Adding a deadline makes it more competitive and adds an element of accountability. Help yourself be more productive. Since I’ve added this extra element to my to-do list habits, my productivity has shot up immensely.
4. Inability to delay gratification
I know many people that cannot stop themselves. As soon as money comes in, it is gone. As soon as they have $500, they have a new iPad. Never mind that they have $55,000 in student loan debt. One of the top characteristics in building financial freedom is DISCIPLINE. You must make a financial plan and stick to it. It is hard to delay that instant gratification at first, but it is absolutely necessary. As Brian Tracy says in the video, “If you cannot achieve budgeting as a habit, it’ll be impossible for you to achieve financial independence.” So, prepare a budget and start to build your wealth today (mint.com is a great place to start!).
I built a way to handle impulse purchases that is quite easy to follow. For any purchase over $100, I use what I call “The Honeymoon Rule”. If anything costs over that amount (or whatever value you set for yourself), do the following:
A. Decide if it is a good purchase (but don’t buy it yet).
B. Then, wait 30 days and re-evaluate the potential purchase.
C. If it is still a good decision to buy it after the emotions of the moment are gone, then you should buy it.
We often hear of “buyer’s remorse”, which is just the opposite of this principle. People buy something during the “honeymoon” phase when emotions are high, and we think we cannot live without the item! Then, we come back down to earth and realize that this was merely an “impulse”, and thus stupid, decision. Implement ‘The Honeymoon Rule’ and practice discipline today. It is a sure way to get you on the path towards wealth!
5. Lack of time perspective
How do I say this?… There is no such thing as “get-rich-quick”! There are no overnight successes. Again, financial success is a decision and a process. It takes some time and some effort. That is hard to hear for most young professionals, but it is true. We want to get things NOW, but we have to realize these truths if we want financial freedom.
As young professionals, we have the most valuable resource for wealth on our side – time! With time, we can utilize what Albert Einstein calls, “The most powerful force in the universe,” and “the greatest mathematical invention of all time” – compound interest. Compound interest is one of the key ways to wealth. If you invest $10,000 now and it is compounded at 10% per year, in 25 years that $10,000 turns into $108,347! If you buy a $35,000 car (and assume you could have made the same 10% per year), it is the equivalent of $379,000 in 25 years. Would you pay that much in your 40’s for a car today? I didn’t think so. From a financial perspective, keep a view of the big picture.
Compound interest only makes sense if you have a long-term view of wealth. People know that it is wise to have a big picture mindset, but few actually make their decisions this way. You are one of those people that do! You are the future millionaire and you now know that it takes a bit of time to get there. Plan now, understand this, and wealth will be yours.
Action steps:
- Evaluate, how do you stack up for these 5 reasons? What is holding you back?
- Realize that the world, and your financial future, is in your hands. And that anything is possible!
- Dream big.
- Write down your ambitious goals. (I use Evernote to record these.)
- With your finances, think big. Think long term.
- Implement ‘the honeymoon rule’.
- Remove impulse buys from your life, and prove that you have financial discipline (a key characteristic to wealth!).
- Decide to be wealthy. Seriously, make the decision, and do not look back!
- Take one single action that will help you improve one of these 5 things today.

Great post, the blog is looking great!
Thanks for the great information. These are items I’ve had to work to reign in myself. They are definitely so important to get ahead and build wealth. Are there any of the five points that were originally challenging for you to overcome?
Thanks, Celest. The hardest one for me personally was #1! Just realizing what was possible took really until my early 20’s, and I’m still learning this everyday.
Such great financial advice, thank you Austin. Really like every one of your action steps. Since joining a community (a mastermind) it has done wonders! Also, removing impulse buys is one of the top pieces of advice I resonated with. What are some good examples of impulse buys you recommend Yo Pro’s remove?
Thanks, Dean!
Oh man, there are too many to state. Two things I would say are:
1) Just because something is on sale, doesn’t mean you need it or that it is a good purchase.
2) Anything over $50 needs to be evaluated. Don’t make decisions on the spot. It all comes down to awareness.
Thanks Austin, those two alone will definitely take anyone on the right direction towards wealth!
What an AMAZING post! These points are SOO right on!!! I love the first two the most! It doesn’t occur to them and they don’t decide to become wealthy! Such true points, and soo powerful! Thanks for taking the time to write this article!
Thanks, Justin. So true. Only a small percentage get past the first two!
The DEPTH of wisdom is in this post is so great. Honestly, delaying gratification is probably what resonates most with me. I had to learn that so young and it has paid in dividends time and time again. Hard to do in the microwave society we live in now. On a side note, I have had my daughter, who is a senior in high school, read certain books I feel would benefit her. One is How Rich People Think. Get out of the middle class mindset and decide you are going to generate wealth, then take the steps to get there. The end. I’m so pumped about your blog. (slow claps)
Amber, thanks for sharing. Delaying gratification is such a common reason for people to not build the wealth that they potentially can.
That is so great you have had your daughter read that book! It is excellent, and a great starting point for sure.
I will be posting a blog soon on 3 books I recommend! Stay tuned.
My favorite: Evaluate and improve your network. There’s so much depth to this – an entire book could be written. When you connect with people who connect, the exponential return is priceless. Excellent write up here. Thanks for the advice!
I agree, Paul. It is hard to reconsider and change your network, but it is more than worth it. Two years ago, I decided to cut the B.S. out of my life and had to stop hanging out with a few people. It wasn’t easy, but no doubt the right choice.
Lots more will be written about one’s network.
This rocks Austin.
Decide to be wealthy. Seriously, make the decision, and do not look back!
I could not agree more. One of my mentors keeps a picture near her at all times of the goal she is working towards. For example, her last goal was to purchase a beach home and each time this person ran on her treadmill, she stared right into a picture on her wall of a beach house. Six months ago she bought that home.
Dofahn, thanks for the note.
The story of your mentor is so true and motivating. I have a vision board that I review on a daily basis, and highly recommend that everyone does as well!
Thanks for sharing!
Oh Snap! That was quite amazing. You broke it down into some really nice steps and provided great perspective. I’m going to take action on these ASAP. I’m going to have my wife read this one too!!!
Do it, Collin!
Thanks for sharing.
Austin – WOW. What a great round up of some really incredible insights. You’ve hit every point right on the nose; I couldn’t help but nod through each of these thinking, “Oh my gosh, so true!” Thanks for adding the action steps at the end, too. Very helpful, very powerful post.
Thanks, Kate!