This is something that so many talk about, but who the hell has passion? Work is supposed to suck, right?
A key element of becoming truly wealthy is being in a career that suits your goals. The wealthy know where they want to be in life, and they figure out what the best way to get there is.
That best way is by finding your passion, and implementing that into your work. The wealthy do work that they love. (This is the 3rd way to retire super-early, as well.)
Below is an excerpt on the role of passion from the book to be released this November, Make Money, Live Wealthy. Snag your free copy today before it’s too late!
Don’t just work for a paycheck. If you have a passion or a dream, there’s a way of integrating that with what you’re doing.– Ruben Rojas
Every single expert interviewed on my podcast is doing the work they want to do. They no longer do what is expected of them. Instead, they do what is in the best interests of themselves and their families. In order to live out your passions, sometimes you have to go against the grain.
Don’t get hung up on what you think is expected of you or what’s going to make you the most money or anything like that. Understand what it is that’s going to drive you; what is it that’s going to motivate you? – John Murphy
Peter Voogd shared the story of how he started out as an entrepreneur, but he had so much social pressure around him to go the ‘normal’ route that he veered in that direction. He did what everyone else wanted him to do, before he’d had enough and started to make his own decisions.
When you do things based on other people’s opinions of you or other people’s lack of ambition or beliefs, you’ll always feel regrets. If you do things based on others’ opinions, it’s challenging to have peace of mind and be happy and excited about your future. – Peter Voogd
We’ve been trained to believe that it’s acceptable to not enjoy what we do for a living, since so few are actually excited by their work. We’ve seen so many others go in a certain direction, so we feel like the best option is to do the same. Just know that there is another way.
Create something that’s really exciting. There are other people who share your interest. Do the introspective work now, and follow your passion. – Kathleen Kingsbury
Being wealthy is living a life of passion and purpose. Yet so many don’t even know what their passions are (let alone live them out).
Seventy-five percent of the people for whom I’ve done life plans say, ‘I don’t have a clue!’ It’s not shocking to me because that’s what I do for a living, but other people are surprised to realize they don’t know what they’re passionate about. That’s because they have never spent anytime saying, ‘What do I really love to do? What gets me excited every day?’ – Chris Locurto
Spend the time to answer those questions. For Chris, what gets him excited is changing lives, helping others to become better individuals, and showing them how to grow both themselves and their businesses. When asked about the #1 reason for his success, Chris said it was because he found and followed these passions.
Doing What You Love:
Non-Wealthy | Wealthy |
“It’s not realistic.” | It is “the secret to my success.” – Chris Locurto |
“It’s work. It’s supposed to suck.” | “The more you enjoy it, the more success you have.” – Hugh Kimura |
“It’s too late to follow my passion.” | “It doesn’t matter if somebody’s 18 or 88, tomorrow’s going to be a new day.” – Dan Miller |
We all have passions, and we all have a purpose. What is yours? What were you put on this earth to do? Find that, and you’ll unlock your full potential.
The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day that you find out why. – Mark Twain (shared by David Wood)
So how do you find your passions and purpose? Find those times when you are ‘in the zone’ and seem to lose track of time. One of the best ways is to look for clues in your past.
By the time somebody is 30 years old, you should be able to look back and see some clear patterns. ‘Aha, that’s why I’m doing this.’ Think about when you really come alive, that’s your sweet spot. It may be when you’re working on ideas, or are outdoors or with kids; you can start to see the patterns develop.
So it’s by looking inward that we get a clear sense of what that focus ought to be, what we most enjoy. A lot of people miss that. They’re too quick to say, ‘I hear they’re hiring down at the plant,’ or ‘My uncle did this and he was successful, so I’ll try that.’ They look for external solutions — band-aid fixes for what they’re really seeking.
So I tell people, 85% of gaining the confidence to take proper direction in your career comes from looking inward. Identify what is unique about your skills and abilities, your values, dreams, and passions. Then ask the question, ‘What kind of work embraces that? What kind of work embraces what I know about myself?’ – Dan Miller
Kathleen Kingsbury said she was one of those “geeks that liked to balance her checkbook.” She ended up being an expert combining finance and psychology. Brittney Castro shared similar interests, as she liked to play with her cash register as a kid. She is now a Certified Financial Planner running her own firm.
It all starts by reflecting, but meditating and journaling are other great ways to get to your core and uncover who you are.
One way to find your passion is by journaling. What makes you happy? What do you really want? I think people really only want four things:
1) Financial freedom or wealth.
2) Health for themselves and their family.
3) Great relationships and love in their lives.
4) Happiness.
What will give you those things? You just have to spend some time meditating, journaling, and writing down a list. – Dr. Dennis Cummins
So many of us get overwhelmed with this task of finding our true passions, but it is important to realize a few things.
1. It takes time.
It takes many people years of reflection and learning to get to their core. JV Crum III said it took him several decades before he found his calling!
2. We are all good!
One thing that guest after guest confirmed and promoted was the fact that we are all good and can become an expert at something. There are many people out there like us who can use your expertise and interest to solve a problem of theirs.
Know what you’re good at, and the position that you need to fill. Entrepreneurs are like superheroes; know your superpower. – Matt Shoup
We all have a superpower. It is just a matter of figuring out what that is and using it!
3. You can adjust course at any time.
You don’t have to be stuck in one career, as your passions may change and evolve.
4. It is never too late start finding and following your desires.
The best piece of advice that Dan Miller ever received was that it is never too late to have a new beginning. Create the future that you want now instead of waiting for it to happen or regretting that you didn’t do anything about it.
5. Finding your passions starts and ends with you.
Don’t look for outside approval. Your passions are yours and yours only, so don’t be afraid to go against the grain.
Wealth is being on your true north. It’s bringing your passions and your purpose together. If you’re not on that path, you are not living a wealthy life. – JV Crum III
It may take some time, but finding your passion is well worth it. Do work you love, live with purpose, and you’re on your way to massive wealth.
So, what is holding you back from doing this? What are you waiting for? You can absolutely incorporate your interests into your work, so be sure to do it. You never want to have regrets, and this is one of them if you don’t do anything about it.
Be sure to email me with any questions. I’m more than happy to help!