Some people have it. And some people have a lot of it.
And today’s Future Millionaire Next Door has a lot of it.
po·ten·tial – having or showing the capacity to become or develop into something in the future.
What does it take to succeed in today’s world?
Ambition, energy, the right mindset, ability to take risks, networking skills, ability to persevere and a foundation from which to build upon. Kyle Musser of KyleMusser.co has all of that. And he does it in the right way: by helping others, being genuine and selfless, and being committed to improvement and self-growth.
As a result, he is the 3rd spotlighted YoPro Wealth listener. Check out #2 and #1 here!
Kyle has an amazing story that many will resonate with, so this is Part 1 of a 2-Part series. Here is why Kyle is on a rocket ship headed towards massive success…
Who He Is:
Kyle is someone who is passionate about learning, sharing and implementing into my own life the lessons and strategies that high achievers hold themselves accountable to. “Whether it’s successful leaders, multi-millionaires, lifestyle entrepreneurs, health and fitness experts, etc., I am constantly striving to live a better life and help others around me reach their full potential.”
He now runs his own company in the information products and personal development industry (lifeleadership.co). And he is also in the middle of building his own brand over at KyleMusser.co, where he plans to “not only share stories, lessons and musings from my own journey, but also to help others “Live, Learn and Pass it on” by sharing their unique journey’s through a podcasting, video courses, etc.”
But, it has been a journey to get to where he is now, and where he’s heading (and he’s still in his mid-20’s!). And it is a journey that is all too familiar for many people.
Kyle’s Story:
He grew up in a hard-working, blue-collar family in a small town in Michigan, and thought he was doing everything “right”. He worked hard, went to college, picked a career that he was familiar with, and then… he realized that he had no idea what he wanted to do in life.
So, he stopped. He tried a few different things and started to self-reflect on what he was passionate about. And he tried a bunch of different options along the way (911 dispatcher, road construction, cleaning banks, bartender, etc.), and he saw that he could live a comfortable life doing the 9-to-5.
But, Kyle quickly realized that he didn’t want a “comfortable” life. He wanted more. Much more.
So, back to school he went. This time into Business, but still in search of what he wanted to do.
He tried more jobs: Wall Street to a management consulting firm… and still, he wasn’t fulfilled.
Zig Ziglar talks about the wheel of life, and how we have to have all of these satisfied to be completely fulfilled. And Kyle was missing several of those critical pieces (see the ‘Wheel of Life’ here).
So, with $60,000 in student debt, he started to chase his own passions directly by starting some side-hustles.
And he started investing in himself, his future, and his network. (These are the best investments you can make!)
Then, after doing so many of the “right” things, Kyle was fired from his 9-to-5.
But, you talk about resilience. This only fueled his fire…
“While for many people this would be a devastating blow for many people especially financially, I looked at it as an opportunity. A time to redefine what’s important in my life and move toward designing a life filled with wealth. Wealth in relationships, experiences, impact, giving, mentoring, people, memories and personal development.”
And he continues to be more than excited about what the future holds, and really is taking advantage of a lot of great opportunities.
Lessons Learned:
“After all of that, I now know a few things:
1) Lifestyle design.
Sit down and create a vivid vision for the life you want. Start to design it. Find mentors that are living the life you want. Listen, learn and then take action everyday based on what they share with you.
2) Diversify.
Simple financial principle that many might be familiar with, ‘never put all your eggs in one basket‘. Many people make the mistake of putting all their faith in working for someone else. And while I realize everyone is not suited to be CEO of your own enterprise, today’s world is changing. The nature of work is changing daily. We live in a world that is fast paced, where everyone faces competition from all angles including new technology or the reality that work can be sourced to countries overseas where cost of labor is substantially less. When the masses are going one way, go the exact opposite and carve your own path. The truth, you can either work your whole life making other people rich, or you can recognize that it’s time to take control of you and your family’s future.
3) Become an entrepreneur.
Don’t live life in fear or the things you could lose by not taking the safe route, learn to live with expectation of what is going to come when you take a leap of faith and move toward securing your own future.
4) Commit to personal growth.
Embrace each day and every experience of your life as a chance to be a constant learner. Strive each day to move toward achieving your full potential. Then pull others along with you.”
Wow, such great insight from Kyle. We talk so much about similar things as he mentioned in his key lessons.
1) You really want to create your lifestyle first. How do you want to live, where do you want to be, what do you want to do. THEN, you can find jobs or businesses that will fit into that lifestyle. So many people go for the end first, but then find out that it doesn’t fit in their lifestyle they want. This is key.
2) You’ve heard me say it so many times, and you hear it from each guest on the YoPro Wealth podcast. Multiple streams of income is key! Diversify your income, and put your money to work for you.
3) I am a huge proponent for entrepreneurship and becoming your own boss! It isn’t for everybody, but it is the best option to create massive wealth, financially and beyond.
4) Personal growth is absolutely necessary to achieve happiness in your life. You are here because you are ready for that. Continue to learn and grow!
For so many of us, it takes a big event before we evaluate what is important, and where we want to go in life. But we share these stories so that you don’t have to wait until you’re forced to change.
Start now, and do as Kyle did: “redefine what is important in your life and move toward designing a life filled with wealth.”
Path Forward:
- Answer these questions:
- What is your definition of wealth?
- What is important to you in your life?
- What is the lifestyle that you want to live?
- Then, how can you provide value to the world and make money while achieving all of the above? (Let’s talk about this; email me here)
- If you’re not happy with your current situation, start a side-hustle to get things going!
- Check out Kyle’s site here: KyleMusser.co

Kyle is amazing..great post